January 4, 2024
Id: 30525

Elegant purple and diamante lengha


Purple lengha with diamante detailing and dupatta, worn once for my wedding reception. The top and skirt are separate pieces and the skirt is fastened by a zip on the side, the top has hooks for fastening at the back. The top has small cap sleeves and the skirt has a underskirt which has a wide band at the bottom to help keep the shape. All three pieces of the outfit have a velvet trim, there are a few diamante pieces missing on the front of the top as you would expect with it being worn once, but nothing noticeable.

Will fit 12-14 easily, I am 5ft 3 and wore this with some small heels.

Price includes tracked postage to a UK address. Please get in touch if you are outside of the Royal Mail UK area for delivery as the cost will change.

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Phone: 07961196305
Address: Bedfordshire
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